
Simplified Approach
PikoTV motto is "Simplified Solutions for Complex Business". Our user-oriented approach let companies to access advanced technology engineered solutions in DVB & IPTV field with sustainable lifecycle and cost effective procurement. On this path, we do our work based on community powered Open Source projects and in parallel we share knowledge via seminars, training and publications.

Excellence and Professionalism
Started business life in 2008 by developing vertical applications and hardware designs for DVB STBs for FTA DTH. Sold over 2 Million STBs globaly as OEM Manufacturer based on Ali 36XX & 35XX series, Novatek SZ & SU, Montage, Amlogic and AllWinner chipsets. Since 2014; apart from consumer market, we take our knowledge to broadcasting solutions for digital platforms, satellite operators and TV/Radio channels.

Continuous Support
We always keep our customers up-to-date by internet or OTA based software updates and feature addons. We guarantee 7x24 grade service provision on any media, anywhere and anytime for your high degree of flexibility. We keen on listening new ideas, just ask us if you have any special requirement in your broadcasting business.